The Future of Restaurant Design with Robert Ancill
Robert Ancill, the CEO and Creative Officer of TNI Design, an Interior design agency based in Los Angeles joins Enterprise Radio.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guests Robert Ancill discuss the following:
- Can you tell the audience a little about your entrepreneurial background and the formation of TNI Design?
- Were you always entrepreneurial?
- When did your passion for design and interior design start?
- What does the future of restaurant design look like and what projects are you working on in 2023
- Any advice for future entrepreneurs?
TNI Design is a 20 + employee interior design agency founded by Robert in Los Angeles in 2006. His background began in the restaurant industry, creating and designing restaurant concepts. As his career progressed, clients asked him to design hotels, houses, and commercial spaces. Based in Los Angeles, Robert has worked or consulted with clients in over 24 countries.